Wellness Philosophy

At Wellness with Niharika, wellness is not defined by numbers and figures alone. Our idea of Wellness is rooted in aiming for and attaining simple solutions to various parameters that define overall wellness. We encourage Proactive Well Care instead of reacting to sickness. Wellness should focus on various aspects, listed below.

Primary Food

The primary nourishment you (a person, not just your body) need comes through career, relationships, love, purpose, spirituality and so on. Primary Food is not what you have on your plate, nor does it come with any nutrient information. Learn how to focus on the various aspects of your life that make up your primary wellbeing and how to benefit from them.


Next, and equally important, is to focus on food and nutrition. Food affects our existence and functioning and sometimes, simple dietary considerations and lifestyle changes can be the difference between frustrating fad diets and a sustainable health plan. Also, learn how physical activity, hydration and restful sleep can let you truly extract the most out of your dietary choices.


No two individuals are the same in all aspects. How, then, would a generic approach towards diet, fitness and overall wellness work for everyone? By taking into account all the contributing factors and wellness indicators, we help you to discover your wellness-DNA and help you develop your unique lifestyle around holistic wellness, your way. Afterall, your lifestyle is your identity.

Heal Yourself By Yourself

Often, we tend to ignore the inherent capability of our body to heal itself. It is usual for us to focus on indications and try to suppress them rather than probing for and listening to the root cause. With the right questions, understanding and tools, self-healing could be the simpler and longer lasting approach in various scenarios.

Feed Your Mind

The importance of Mental Health is undeniable in today's age. The awareness of mental wellbeing, coming out of stigma and shame around this topic, the acceptance of one's authentic mental constitution - are all aspects that need to be talked about and understood in the pursuit of wellness. Learn more in our Total Wellness Program to find the key towards the ideal mind-body connection.

Spiritual Awakening

Finding the purpose of your life and realize what living means can be a truly elevating experience. Contemporary Nutrition, thus, definitely transcends physical parameters, numbers and metrics. With increased self-realization, one can stay away from the ubiquitous compulsion to 'fit in and conform'. With the next level of awareness, one can proudly fit out in one's unique, individual glory.

Start Your Wellness Transformation Journey!

Whether you are looking for Personal Sessions in Hyderabad or Online Consultation from anywhere else in the globe, we will be able to come up with the appropriate Personal Wellness Plan based on your requirements. Our approaches are simplistic and sustainable for lifelong benefits. Start a conservation today!

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